The Cyberpunk Set is Live on backerKit!
Time to join our newest Mission! The Cyberpunk Set is now LIVE and we have an amazing range of brand new maps and so much more.
Running missions in Night City has never been easier! Don’t miss out on campaign exclusive rewards and amazing digital maps and tokens.
The Cyberpunk Set is 2 Book of Battle Mats® AND double-sided card punch-out tokens. The books combine seamlessly to create huge map areas and offers an almost limitless number of map layouts.
Alongside the Cyberpunk Set are a host of other map products and VTT Products.
Deck of Many Insults
Antagonize and viciously mock your way around the adventuring world
A deck of 100 cheeky retorts, comebacks, insults and profanities to ensure you can deliver a crushing verbal victory in any scenario. Vicious Mockery has never been so much fun or so easy. Also perfect for some lively table banter! Coming to a store near you in July 2024.
Mature content with a publishers recommend age of 16 years and over.
Level Up 2025!
The calendar of Many Adventures is the wall calendar featuring 12 beautiful, playable, battle maps, and includes 12 adventures written for the maps! Dungeon gift wrap is a pack of beautiful wrapping paper featuring a playable dungeon map (and you get gift tags with a QR leading to a free digital copy), and we’ve even made a pack of RPG Greeting cards.
The Terrain Set Kickstarter!
The Terrain set is the latest in our groundbreaking Book of Battle Mats Range. A set of 2 modular map books featuring terrain maps, now including sheets of scenery stickers, The Terrain set will allow you to build your own battle maps! Combining huge 24x24” map areas with unlimited flexibility, the maps of all the must have fantasy are the perfect backdrop to any encounter. And the scenery stickers allow you to add bespoke encounter scenes.
All New Books of Wild Battle Mats are coming in early 2024!
We are delighted to announce the upcoming releases of the Giant Book of Battle Mats – Wilds, Wrecks & Ruins, and the Big Book of Battle Mats – Wrecks & Ruins, in early 2024. Combining maps of wild terrain with interesting and perilous features, these encounter scenes can be prepared in moments. All in our trademark Book of Battle Mats featuring lay flat, wipe clean maps.
A whole year of Adventure is at your fingertips!
Our Calendar of Many Adventures 2024 is the first wall calendar you can use as a battle map! 12 RPG maps and 12 month per page view calendar pages. And we have written 12 5E adventures to pay on the maps, accessed via a QR code. So scheduling, planning and running game night just got a lot easier!
Open the Door to Adventure in early 2024!
Our Brand New Big Box of Dungeon Doors is coming in Early 2024! 40 unique doors, hand illustrated and beautifully detailed, presented on clear plastic standees with clear bases. Perfect for a-door-ning any RPG battle maps or board game! These durable and beautiful scenery accessories are ready to use straight out of the box, no glue or paint needed!
Cut out more peril for your RPG Maps!
Cut out your next adventure with our Box of Tricks & Traps, dozens of sheets of hundreds of perilous pieces. Featuring terrain, furniture and other features on one side and an alternative, trap, treasure or surprise on the reverse to keep your players on their toes!
RPG Toolboxes packed with content!
Maps, Monsters, Maps, Encounters, Maps, Adventure, Maps, NPCs and more Maps! These 2 RPG Toolboxes are packed with content! Containing dozens of fold out maps (laminated thus wipe clean and wet/dry marker safe), and a full 5E adventure to play on them. We have also written encounters for all the maps, unique monsters to use on them (both in the reference book and a beautifully illustrated deck of quick reference cards), presented in such a way that taking this content and using it in your game is quick and easy. Modular writing for modular maps!
Big Book of Battle Mats – Rooms, Vaults & Chambers
Our Big Book of BATTLE Mats – Rooms, Vaults & Chambers, is a book packed with maps of fantasy interiors. From shops to feasting halls, manor houses to museums and cellars to schoolrooms, this map has the room you need! With one room per page, we have put complimentary rooms on opposing pages so you can lay the book flat to create a larger interior map. A map for any encounter in a handy book!
Now Available as a PDF – Untold Encounters of the Randon Kind!
This 350 page pdf is packed with 1000+ random encounters, random tables, inspiration for settings, adventure generators and 6 pre-written 5E Adventures! You can roll up a random encounter in moments or use the adventure generator to plan an entire campaign. Use on the spot to surprise everyone or sit down and plan our your game using our encounters. The choice is yours! We also include 3 adventure generators to help design an entire campaign in a Dungeon, Town or Wilderness setting.
Immense Dungeons is Live on Kickstarter
A giant portfolio of immense, immersive and iconic dungeons could be one click away!
Dozens of HUGE dungeons, complete maps that are ready to roll. 1000+ map tiles to create your own layouts & tokens to customize your maps with. All digital files sized for VTT with a print sized version.
Explore these Immense Dungeons with care! With ready to roll maps and tiles to create your own layouts, this Kickstarter has the perfect map option for you!
This campaign starts with 60 dungeon maps and 1000+ map tiles & tokens, and we will add even more as we hit stretch goals! And there’s even a PDF adventure to play on the maps!
Revised Big and Giant Books
All new maps, same great format! We have revised our iconic Big and Giant Books of Battle Mats which both now boast brand new maps!
A map for any fantasy RPG encounter at your fingertips!
The Revised Big and Giant Books of Battle Mats are tomes of maps for fantasy tabletop roleplaying games. The maps are fully wet/dry marker compatible, and means the maps can be amended and adjusted to reflect the encounter. A 1" grid throughout allows easy tactical planning for combat encounters, while the detailed artwork will immerse any encounter in the setting.
The Coast of Dread
Box of Adventure – Coast of Dread is the starter set of maps, tokens and beasts/baddies that everyone needs to get their adventure started!
Dozens of fold-out maps, all featuring modular designs, can be used individually or together for larger areas. Hundreds of cut out tokens mean you have armies of beasts and baddies all ready to roll, and the cut out terrain tokens allow even more options for customising the maps, including additional buildings and alternative interiors.
This great value set comes in a handy magnetically sealed box for easy storage and transportation.
Castles, Crypts and Caverns
The latest set of Modular Map books featuring stunning artwork!
A set of 2 RPG Map books featuring 80 wipe clean battle maps, these handy map books align to create epic encounter maps.
From the gothic spires of dark castles through to the perilous caverns, hedge mazes and arcane libraries, there is a map for and adventure at your fingertips.
The books lay flat allowing each map page to be used individually, or line up for larger maps. And the standard entry/exit points allow for multiple map options to keep the party on their toes and create the perfect layout for your encounter!
Fully wet/dry marker compatible, these tactical maps are perfect for planning and running roleplay encounters with a consistent 5 foot to 1 inch scale, and grid throughout.
The Door to Adventure is opening!
Acrylic standees featuring stunning artwork, these amazing doors are the perfect a-door-nment to any battle map! Drawn in tactical scale, the Big Box of Dungeon Doors will feature a door for any encounter from sturdily locked doors right through to magic portals. Enough to populate a whole city of doors all leading to a different adventure!
Backers of the crowdfunding campaign will also receive a pack of exclusive battle maps!
For more information visit BackerKit
More Books of Battle Mats!

Volume 3 of the Big and Giant Books of Battle Mats are available now featuring all new maps!
The award winning Book of Battle Mats range returns with two new instalments! These lay flat books allow each map page to be used individually, or for the book to be opened flat to use the two complimentary pages together. Fully wet/dry marker compatible, these tactical maps are perfect for planning and running roleplay encounters with a consistent 5 foot to 1 inch scale, and grid throughout.
A handy map for any encounter could be at your fingertips!
New Kickstarter!
Attention Adventurers! New Kickstarter Alert!
Two RPG Toolboxes packed with maps, maps, monsters, encounters, adventures, maps and much more!
Click here to visit Kickstarter
B&N Exclusive Adventure Upgrade Kit
Take your game beyond the table!
Loke Battle Mats are delighted to present their Adventure Upgrade kit - Available exclusively from Barnes & Noble in store and online. This kit is designed to immerse your RPG encounter in your setting by creating an inspiring and engaging scene. By increasing the immersion of an encounter, you really encourage your players to roleplay beyond combat encounters. The kit also contains a beautifully illustrated GM screen to set the scene and 100+ add-on scenery clings which allows you to add hundreds of scenes, from forests to dungeons to towns, to your existing battle map in moments.
The Adventure Upgrade kit is a Must have for any DMs toolkit. It includes
- Loke Battle Mats' Immersive GM Screen
- 100+ Add-On Scenery clings
You can pick up Loke Battle Mats' Adventure Upgrade Kit in Barnes & Noble stores and from
Towns & Taverns
Our latest modular Battle Mat Book Set
Inspire a new campaign of adventures on this adaptable and portable two book fantasy Towns & Taverns map set which will evolve with your adventure. Risk everything or play it safe as you negotiate deadly Murder Alleys, endless mazes of rooms, epic manor houses and of course multiple taverns all designed to keep your party inspired and rolling through our challenging urban fantasy scenes!
Fully wet/dry marker compatible, these tactical maps are perfect for planning and running roleplay encounters with a consistent 5 foot to 1 inch scale, and grid throughout.
Towns & Taverns will work alongside the Dungeon Books to make even larger areas and take your adventure on to the city streets!
Battle Map Board
The Battle Map Board is a fold out double-sided re writable battle map board for tabletop RPGs. Featuring a Dungeon flagstone floor and grassland designs, both with a 1 inch grid, the battle map board provides the perfect backdrop for any encounter. The durable laminated surface allows use of any non-permanent marker to add features and buildings.
The Battle Map Board fits on a shelf or in your bag with your rulebooks for easy transport and storage. Laminated and compatible with add-on scenery static clings and white board markers so you can create an immersive encounter in moments.
Just Fold Out & Roll.
Volume 2 Battle Mat Books
Loke BattleMats have announced the release of their much-anticipated Volume 2 Books of Battle Mats. These additions to the award-winning fantasy RPG map book range carry on the adventure with new maps covering every popular encounter area!
Fully wet/dry marker compatible, these tactical maps are perfect for planning and running roleplay encounters with a consistent 5 foot to 1 inch scale, and grid throughout.
An RPG Map for any encounter at your fingertips in a book that travels with you. Opens to create huge RPG encounter maps.
CyberPunk Books
Attention Adventurers! Relax and run your party through the shadows in style with Loke BattleMats Books of CyberPunk Battle Mats!
Published in 2 sizes – The A4 Big Book of CyberPunk Battle Mats and A3 The Giant Book of CyberPunk Battle Mats – these books offer endless flexibility.
Fully wet/dry marker compatible, these tactical maps are perfect for planning and running roleplay encounters with a consistent 5 foot to 1 inch scale, and grid throughout.
Covering a wide range of all the essential encounter areas for CyberPunk, Modern Day and Post Apocalyptic Roleplaying Games, you will have the map for any encounter at your fingertips.
Confront corporate rivals, sneak through neon streets, explore derelict train yards or pop into the subway, we’re sure you’ll find adventure and reward in equal measure!
The Dungeon Books of Battle Mats
Attention Adventurers! Grab your dice and get ready to roll initiative as the game is afoot and it just went modular!
The Dungeon Books of Battle Mats offer a set of two adaptive books of RPG battle maps which line up to create one endlessly evolving dungeon
Standard entry/exit points and a 360° spine allow you to create anything up to a 24”x24” play area from a set of books that fits on your bookshelf and in your bag!
Fully wet/dry marker compatible, these tactical maps are perfect for planning and running roleplay encounters with a consistent 5 foot to 1 inch scale, and grid throughout.
This pair of books have 1 foot square (12"x12") RPG battle mat pages and are a must have tool to illustrate your game and track your dungeon combat scenes.
Digital Content
Our designs are also available as digital titles for home printing or virtual tabletop use.
You'll find them all available on DriveThruRPG
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